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Accounting procedures

Learning Outcomes - Accounting Procedures

At the end of this unit students will be able to

Capital and revenue expenditure and receipts

  • distinguish between and account for capital expenditure and revenue expenditure
  • distinguish between and account for capital receipts and revenue receipts
  • calculate and comment on the effect on profit of incorrect treatment
  • calculate and comment on the effect on asset valuations of incorrect treatment.

Accounting for depreciation and disposal of fixed assets

  • define depreciation
  • explain the reasons for accounting for depreciatio
  • name and describe the straight line (equal instalment), reducing (diminishing) balance and revaluation methods of depreciation
  • prepare ledger accounts and journal entries for the provision of depreciation
  • prepare ledger accounts and journal entries to record the sale of fixed assets, including the use of disposal accounts.

Other payables (Accruals) and Other receivables (Prepayments)

  • recognise the importance of matching costs and revenues
  • prepare ledger accounts and journal entries to record accrued and prepaid expenses
  • prepare ledger accounts and journal entries to record accrued and prepaid incomes.

Bad debts and provision for doubtful debts

  • understand the meaning of bad debts and bad debts recovered
  • prepare ledger accounts and journal entries to record bad debts written off
  • prepare ledger accounts and journal entries to record bad debts recovered
  • explain the reasons for maintaining a provision for doubtful debts
  • prepare ledger accounts and journal entries to record the creation of, and adjustments to, a provision for doubtful debts.

Valuation of inventory (Stock valuation)

  • understand the basis of the valuation of inventory (stock) at the lower of cost and net realisable value
  • prepare simple inventory (stock) valuation statements.

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