• thinkigcse.com

About Us

Launched in 2008, dineshbakshi.com is the one of the world's largest online resource centre for IGCSE, GCSE, A Level, IB Business studies, Economics and Accounting and ICT revision. All the resources are accessible FREE OF COST. On last count the website had more than 1093 html pages and the number is still growing.

It has a collection of revision notes, interactive quizzes, crosswords, revision questions, mind maps, assignment topics, case studies, data response questions for IGCSE, GCSE, A Levels, IB Economics, Business studies, Accounting and ICT. All these revision notes and quizzes have been written by experts in these subjects.

Unlike other websites the resources available on this website are student centred. Interactive quizzes are very much adored by the students and teachers alike. 75% of the visitor stays on the website for more than 30 minutes.

Revision notes are to the point and have been written after reviewing the curriculum demand. To reinforce the concepts, appropriate Videos have been inserted on the revision notes web pages. These videos are carefully selected from the across the web.

The website is constantly updated with new case studies, business news, worksheets, posters, mind maps and lot of free stuff. Blogs and discussion forum keeps our clients in touch with us on a regular basis.

Major Statistics- dineshbakshi.com YEAR 2015

  • Recieved more than 123 Million Hits
  • Delivered more than 6.29 Million Pages
  • Had 2.54 Million Visits out of which 1.53 Million  were Unique Visitors


The website is regulary visited by students and teachers who are pursuing IGCSE, GCSE, A Level and IB Curriculum Economics, Business Studies, Accounting and ICT courses. The majority of students visiting dineshbakshi.com are of the age ranging from 11-17. Rest of the audience are teachers who are usually teaching these curriculum.
The audience is geographically spread all over the globe however, it gets its maximum visitors form United States, Great Britain, India, Russia Federation etc.
top 10 countries visitor to dineshbakshi.com

Statistics and Ranking

The website is getting more than 8 million hits a month (average) and it is increasing at a rate of 15% PER MONTH.
On an average there are more than 200,000 monthly visits to the website which includes around 35,000 unique visitors.
The website has more than half a million monthly page views which is quiet high when compared to other website of the similar type.
As of today, dineshbakshi.com has a Google page rank of 4 which is improving with time. Google page ranking is on based on content appropriateness and the number of visitors.
Alexa ranks dineshbakshi.com at 227,458 globally. Click here to see the latest Alexa ranking
summary of visitors in 2015 
dineshbakshi.com is highly visible in search engines such as Google and Yahoo and has topmost ranking for keywords like igcse economics, igcse business studies, igcse accounting, igcse ict, economics revision notes etc.
source of links
Most popular pages section on dineshbakshi.com are:-
  1. IGCSE Economics
  2. IGCSE Business studies
The website get huge traffic every month which increase phenomenally during examination months.
Monthly visit
dineshbakshi.com is one of the few websites which has been listed in the 'recommended resources' by Cambridge International Examination (CIE) for their IGCSE and A Level Business studies, Economics and Accounting courses. Click here

The listing was done after a careful scrutiny of the quality of the content available on the website

Many educational institutions across the globe are referring to dineshbakshi.com for classroom teaching and through their MOODLE sites.

The advertisement rates are very low and easy to calculate and transparent, unlike CPM method where the advertiser lands up paying a whopping amount.
So if you are looking for subject specific audience for your advertisements, you are at the right place.

Ad Sizes and Cost

dineshbakshi.com has a variety of options to advertise. We can go for click based or impression based advertising.




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New Youtube Channel - ThinkIGCSE

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